All files that have been uploaded into Paradigm can be accessed and managed in the file warehouse.
1. Accessing Files in the File Warehouse
- On the main navigation menu go to File Warehouse/Processing/File Warehouse.
- This grid will show you all files that have been uploaded into Paradigm irrespective of whether they were uploaded directly into the warehouse or onto a task, document or record.
- Here you can add a 'Description' as well as select a 'Category' and 'Type' for each file.
2. Opening a File in the File Warehouse
- Select the line of the file you want to open.
- Press the Open button on the main toolbar.
- The file will be opened in your default application for that particular file type.
3. Add a New File in the File Warehouse
- On the main navigation menu go to File Warehouse/Processing/File Warehouse.
- Press the
Add New button on the main toolbar.
- In the File Name field, click on the dotted button to invoke your file explorer.
- In your file explorer window which appears, select the file you want to upload and press Open.
4. Organising the Files in Your File Warehouse with Categories and Types
- To setup your different categories and types, navigate to File Warehouse/Maintenance.
- For example, use the Categories to setup your different departments such as sales, marketing and production and use the Types to classify your different files such as product brochures and documentation.
- When uploading new files into the File Warehouse, complete the Category and Type fields. You can make the fields compulsory if necessary in order to force completion.
- Now you can group your File Warehouse by category, by type and each person can now manage, navigate and access all your company brochures and documentation from a central location.