The Table control is designed to arrange information in a tabular layout. It may contain any number of Rows comprised of individual Cells. Both Rows and Cells can be selected and customized individually. In most aspects, a Cell is similar to a Label, but can also contain other controls (e.g. Picture Box or Rich Text).
When a Table is dropped onto a band from the Toolbox, it has one row and three columns. If you click and drag over several bands, the resulting table will be split by the bands into several tables. This creates a table header and the detail table with one mouse move.
When you drag and drop an entire data table from the Field List, a Table with cells bound to the corresponding data fields is created automatically.
A table's elements are managed by using its Context Menu.
On the Property Grid, the Table Control's properties are grouped as follows.
1. Appearance
- Background Color
Specifies the background color for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar. - Borders, Border Colour and Border Width
Specify border settings for the control. - Font
Specifies the font settings for the control. Some of these settings are available in the Formatting Toolbar. - Foreground Color
Specifies the text colour for the control. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar - Padding
Specifies indent values which are used to render the contents of a Tables cells. - Style Priority
Provides access to the settings that determine which properties of a style assigned to a control should override the corresponding properties of a control. - Styles
Gets a set of styles for the control. - Text Alignment
Allows you to change the alignment of a Tables text. This option is also available in the Formatting Toolbar. - Location
Specifies the floating-point representation of the coordinates of the control's upper-left corner. - Size
Gets or sets the size of the control. - Right to Left
Specifies the content orientation within the XRTable's cells
2. Behavior
- Anchor Vertically
Specifies the vertical anchoring style of a Table, so that after page rendering it stays attached to the top control, bottom control, or both. - Anchor Horizontally
Specifies the horizontal anchoring type of a report control. - Can Publish
Specifies whether or not a report control is displayed in a printed or exported document. - Keep Together
Specifies whether the contents of a Table can be horizontally split across pages. In other words, if a Table occupies more space than remains on the page, this property specifies whether the Table should be split between the current page and the next, or whether it will be printed entirely on the next page. This property is in effect only when a Table's content does not fit on the current page. If it does not fit on the next page then the Table will be split despite this property's value. - Process Hidden Cell Mode
Specifies how to distribute the space that remains after some of the row's visible cells are hidden. Affects only the table row whose cells were hidden. - Scripts
This property contains events, which you can handle with the required scripts. - Visible
Specifies whether the control should be visible in print preview.
3. Data
- Tag
This property allows you to add some additional information to the control, for example its ID, by which it can then be accessible via scripts.
4. Miscellaneous
- (Name)
Determines a controls name, by which it can be accessed in the Report Explorer, Property Grid or via scripts. - Snap Line Margin
Specifies the margin (in report measurement units), which is to be preserved around the control when it is aligned using Snap Lines, or when other controls are aligned next to it. - Bookmark and Parent Bookmark
These properties are intended for the creation of a hierarchy structure within a report called a document map. For an explanation and help, refer to Add Bookmarks. If the current report has a data source, the Bookmark property can be bound to a data field obtained from the data source. To do this, expand the (Data Bindings) property and in the Bookmark.Binding drop-down selector, select the required data field.