Paradigm Support Desk

Create a New Production Ticket

Add New Production Ticket

To create a new Production Ticket, firstly navigate to 'Production' > 'Processing' > 'Production Tickets'.

Click the 'New Production Ticket' button.

Under the 'General' tab you must select a 'Branch'

You can then click the 'Save' button. This will save a Production Ticket as a 'Draft' and assign it a 'Document No.' with the prefix "PDT". 

Additional Information

Under the 'General' tab you can also view and edit some additional information regarding the Production Ticket.

Here you can see which other documents are linked to the Production Ticket. 

If the Production Ticket was generated from within a 'Replenishment' or a 'Sales Order' document, the document number would appear here. If you are utilizing 'Working Documents'  or 'Projects' you can manually link your Production Ticket by selecting the 'Working Document'/'Project'  from the drop down menu.

The 'Buffer Status' of the Production Ticket lets you know how urgently the Production Line needs to process the Production Ticket. 

The 'Buffer Period' can be set to either Weeks or Days. The 'Buffer Duration' is then a count of these Weeks/Days.

The 'Buffer Priority' will change colour to indicate how urgently the Production Ticket needs to be processed.

In the above example, based on the Buffer 'Period', 'Duration' and 'Due Date' the Priority would be displayed as follows :

Black    - 1 Week before Due Date.

Red       - 2 Weeks before Due Date.

Amber  - 3 Weeks before Due Date.

Green   - 4 Weeks before Due Date.

Blue      - 5 Weeks before Due Date.

In 'Additional Information' you can record the 'Start' and 'End' date which would represent when Production began and when it was completed. The 'Date Created' field indicates the date on which this 'Production Ticket' was created.  


Each of these lines will specify a 'Finished Good' Inventory Item that is to be produced on this Production Ticket.

Navigate to the 'WIP Out Instruction' tab. Click the empty row labelled 'Click here to add new row.'

Select the 'Inventory' Item you wish to produce by opening the drop-down menu and selecting the required Item. Only Items flagged as a 'Finished Good' will be available in this drop-down.

After selecting the desired Inventory Item, the 'Inventory Description' and 'Unit of Measure' fields will fill in automatically based on the prepopulated settings for that item. 

Select the 'Warehouse'. This will be the Warehouse in which the Finished Good will be allocated to once the Production Ticket has been Posted.


Similarly you can assign which 'Production Line' will be used to produce the Finished Good.

Here is how to Setup Production Lines.

Set the Output quantity in the 'Qty' column. In this case I want to produce 10 instances of the 'FLA001' Item.

The default 'Bill Of Material' will auto populate on the line if there is one set for the specified FG. If there is no default or a different BOM needs to be used select the required BOM from the drop down. The BOM will define the Inputs required to produce the Finished Good.

The 'Bill Of Material Unit Cost' and 'Bill Of Material Total Cost' will be added automatically once the BOM has been selected and the document saved.

Checking the box under 'No BOM Required' will allow you to produce the Finished Good on the system without consuming any 'Consumables' or 'Raw Materials' off of the system.

Once your WIP Out Instruction is complete, you can change the 'Production Ticket Status' to 'Planned'.


Navigate to the 'WIP In Requirement' tab.

Here you can find a list of all Inventory Items required as well as the Quantity and Cost of these Items in order to produce the Finished Goods on the Ticket.

In other words, this is the Bill Of Material multiplied by the 'Qty' of the finished Goods to be produced.

To continue processing the Production Ticket, proceed to Production Issues.

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