If a Production Ticket is Posted to Financials incorrectly, you can correct all the stock movements on the system by posting a 'Production Ticket Reversal.
This functionality is only available if the 'Allow Production Reversals' company setting is set to true.
For more information go to Setup Company Settings for Production.
To do this, firstly navigate to 'Production' > 'Processing' > 'Production Tickets'
Double-click to on the Production Ticket you wish to reverse in order to open it. You can only reverse Production Tickets that have been 'Posted To Financials'.
You will now notice that the 'Post Production Ticket Reversal' button is now active. Click this button to create a Production Ticket Reversal.
Paradigm will prompt you. If you are happy to continue processing the Production Ticket Reversal then click 'Yes'.
The 'Reverse Production Ticket' window will now pop up. Here you can set the 'Reversal Date'. This date represents the 'Transaction Date' of the Reversal.
The 'Production Ticket Reversal' will now be Posted To Financials. The 'Document Status' of the original Production Ticket will change from 'Posted To Financials' to 'Reversed'.
The Document Number assigned to the 'Production Ticket Reversal' will use the same numeric code as the original Production Ticket and prefixed with "PDR" instead of "PDT".
In the example above, The Production Reversal of Ticket 'PDT0000038' is 'PDR0000038'.