The 'Quality Control' module allows you to manage 'Quality Control Tests' performed on 'Finished Goods' produced.
Navigate to 'Production' > 'Processing' > 'Quality Control'
Here you will find a list view grid containing all 'Quality Control Tests' generated on your system.
You can generate a 'Quality Control Test' document by clicking the 'Add New' button at the top left of left of the 'Quality Control' screen.
Alternatively a 'Quality Control Test' can also be generated from the 'Production Ticket', navigating to the 'Quality Control Tests' tab and right-clicking on the open space and selecting 'New'.
You can generate multiple 'Quality Control Tests' per 'Production Ticket'.
Firstly select the 'Company', 'Branch' and 'Document Date'.
Click the 'Save' button to store this 'Quality Control Test' and generate the 'Document No'.
The next step is to select the 'Quality Control Test Type' and the 'Quality Control Test' to be conducted.
To create 'Quality Control Tests' and 'Test Types' navigate to 'Inventory' > 'Maintenance' > 'Quality Control Test Types' and/or 'Quality Control Tests'.
On the 'Quality Control Test Types' screen, click the 'Add New' button on the top left and assign a 'Name' as well as the 'Test Unit'. The 'Test Unit' is the unit of measure in which the quality of the product is measured.
On the 'Quality Control Tests' screen, click the 'Add New' button on the top left of the screen.
- Select the 'Company'.
- Select the 'Inventory Item' to be produced and tested.
- The test 'Name' is automatically generated including the inventory item's Inventory code.
- Type in a 'Description'.
- Select a 'Test Type', such as the one created above.
- 'Minimum' indicates the lowest value of the 'Test Unit' in order to pass the 'Quality Control Test'.
- 'Maximum' indicates the highest value of the 'Test Unit' in order to pass the 'Quality Control' Test.
- Checking the 'Auto Create on Production Tickets' checkbox will tell the Paradigm application to generate a 'Quality Control Test' document when the Production Ticket is set to 'In Production'.
Once you have set up your Quality Control Tests and Test Types you can select them within the 'Quality Control Details' pane.
The 'Result' column will only say 'Passed' if 'Actual Qty' of the testing unit of measure is within the Maximum and Minimum requirements for the test. The 'Final Decision' and the status of the 'Quality Control Test' document, is however, set manually.
The 'Linked To' pane is only required when the 'Quality Control Test' document is automatically generated by a 'Production Ticket'.
Once completed, set the status of the document and click save.